Stickiness is a term used to describe how a particular action, communication or experience tends to be remembered -- to stay with someone. It is heavily used term today in marketing circles, but it is also useful for religious discussions as well.
Religion in its most stark and unencumbered state can be difficult for children to absorb and none to easy for adults either. Jesus overcame the "stickiness" problem by using beautiful imagery and parables to evangelize those around him. And his teachings so beautifully recounted in the Bible have helped us absorb and remember the principles of our faith. The Old Testament is also rich in images, stories and poetry.
Catholic traditions build off our Judea-Christian heritage and are enriched by cultural forces from many ethnic groups. The enormous Irish Catholic immigration that came about as a result of the mid-19th Century Famine must have had a huge impact on U.S. Catholics. But establishing the Catholic faith in the United States wasn't easy and it didn't happen over night. The original waves Irish famine immigrants were poorly educated in their own religion and it took a huge influx of Irish priest to establish schools and parishes to educate the masses. An Irish Catholic renewal in Ireland itself in the late 19th century helped insure that later Irish immigrants were better schooled in their faith.
In the same era, other immigrant groups were being educated as well and it was not unusual for Europeans to help sponsor Catholic institutions in the United States. Funds from Germany and other places came into the United States to build schools and churches to keep the Catholic faith alive in our "wilderness."
Religious persecution in Europe took many forms and both Protestants and Catholics took part in them. In the United States, Catholics were more likely to be targets of intolerance. Thus, Catholic religious leaders were aggressive about setting up Catholic Schools. It occurred to many that Catholic identity could easily be lost in a country that was predominantly Protestant. The Catholic school system developed and grew. In no small part, the priests and nuns who operated the Catholic schools saw to it that children were educated in the faith.
Bible stories certainly would play a big part in that education, but so would all the sacraments, the ceremonies, the rituals, and other rich aspects of the faith practice. A Catholic call to action would be important. The practice of the Catholic faith would be a large part of everyday life. There were morning, noon, evening and bed time prayers. There was abstinence from meat on Friday and fasting for mass each week. Every Sunday was a day for church and during Lent and Advent many would attend each day. There was the Family Rosary, nightime Novenas, First Fridays, and holy days. Guardian Angels stood at the ready each day. Saints were asked to intercede on all manner of troubles and affairs. The Blessed Mother was called on regularly.
In houses there were crucifixes, religious paintings and First Communion photographs. Each spring, a May altar was set up in a prominent place in the house. Catholics proudly displayed their faith to everyone.
The Faith was also directed externally to helping others--the Corporal Works and the Spiritual Works of Mercy are examples of how Catholics were taught to take action for others.
Religion in its most stark and unencumbered state can be difficult for children to absorb and none to easy for adults either. Jesus overcame the "stickiness" problem by using beautiful imagery and parables to evangelize those around him. And his teachings so beautifully recounted in the Bible have helped us absorb and remember the principles of our faith. The Old Testament is also rich in images, stories and poetry.
Catholic traditions build off our Judea-Christian heritage and are enriched by cultural forces from many ethnic groups. The enormous Irish Catholic immigration that came about as a result of the mid-19th Century Famine must have had a huge impact on U.S. Catholics. But establishing the Catholic faith in the United States wasn't easy and it didn't happen over night. The original waves Irish famine immigrants were poorly educated in their own religion and it took a huge influx of Irish priest to establish schools and parishes to educate the masses. An Irish Catholic renewal in Ireland itself in the late 19th century helped insure that later Irish immigrants were better schooled in their faith.
In the same era, other immigrant groups were being educated as well and it was not unusual for Europeans to help sponsor Catholic institutions in the United States. Funds from Germany and other places came into the United States to build schools and churches to keep the Catholic faith alive in our "wilderness."
Religious persecution in Europe took many forms and both Protestants and Catholics took part in them. In the United States, Catholics were more likely to be targets of intolerance. Thus, Catholic religious leaders were aggressive about setting up Catholic Schools. It occurred to many that Catholic identity could easily be lost in a country that was predominantly Protestant. The Catholic school system developed and grew. In no small part, the priests and nuns who operated the Catholic schools saw to it that children were educated in the faith.
Bible stories certainly would play a big part in that education, but so would all the sacraments, the ceremonies, the rituals, and other rich aspects of the faith practice. A Catholic call to action would be important. The practice of the Catholic faith would be a large part of everyday life. There were morning, noon, evening and bed time prayers. There was abstinence from meat on Friday and fasting for mass each week. Every Sunday was a day for church and during Lent and Advent many would attend each day. There was the Family Rosary, nightime Novenas, First Fridays, and holy days. Guardian Angels stood at the ready each day. Saints were asked to intercede on all manner of troubles and affairs. The Blessed Mother was called on regularly.
In houses there were crucifixes, religious paintings and First Communion photographs. Each spring, a May altar was set up in a prominent place in the house. Catholics proudly displayed their faith to everyone.
The Faith was also directed externally to helping others--the Corporal Works and the Spiritual Works of Mercy are examples of how Catholics were taught to take action for others.
All these things helped provide a "stickiness" in Faith.
Stained glass window from Immaculate Conception Church,Cottonwood, Arizona.
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